The workshop aims at bringing together simulators and observers focussing on all aspects of galaxy formation and evolution,
from the assembly of the first structures at very high-z universe to our own Milky way and its satellites.
21-22 September 2022
Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre Complex, Christ Church, Oxford.
Lunches, tea and coffee will be provided each day. A social dinner will be held on September 21st
Invited speakers:
Dr. Nicolas Martin: The Milky Way and its satellites
Prof. Bianca Poggianti: Local and near-by galaxies: morphology, light and mass distribution, kinematics and stellar populations
Prof. Romeel Davé: The environment in which galaxies live and interact with each other
Prof. James Dunlop: From cosmic noon to the highest redshifts
Prof. Ralf Bender: Concluding remarks
Group Photo:
Public lecture:
On the evening of September 21st, the 4rd Wetton lecture "Peering back to cosmic dawn to decode the mysteries of galaxy evolution" will be delivered by Dr. Rachel Somerville
For further information please contact Dr. Chiara Spiniello, chair of the organising committee (